Why I love game of thrones

It all started with a beloved grandpa who was known to about a few hundreds 25 year old virgins and a few more hundreds of thousand incredibly virgin 40 year old.

I am Talking of course about George Raymond Richard Martin

The author of the song of ice and fire. 

Which is game of thrones nowadays but song of ice and fire doesn't have such good brand recognition. 

So I found out about George from  Fantasy heroes

fantasy heroes periodiko

It's been more than 6-7 years since. 

That magazine was brought to Greece from Anubis. I really appreciate that publisher for its efforts to bring fantasy to Greece.

I really have allot of Anubis comic books at home.

So anyway. I loved fantasy since a was a little boy. I really don't know why. But I did.

I bought the first fantasy heroes issue because it had the stories of Drizzt DoUrden

Another beloved character. 



So in this issue it also had the Hedge Knight

hedge knight

Which are the stories of Duncan and the freaking  AEGON TARGARYEN!!!! 

hedge knight

So as you realize this was the first time I got to see the raw brutality Martin has.

There was no good or evil. Just god damn reality. 

So i saw the imagery Miller created, which was magnificent. The Baratheon and Targaryen helmet will always haunt me.

(yes i know that is from the fight between Robert and Rhaegar but it does shows both helmets)

So as a child I started discovering George R R Martin by reading what the virgins considered a sort of a bible. Unfortunately this time was the time for the lord of the rings to shine.

Quite fair.

But as me and my friend Miltos were talking for hours the truth is Tolkien created the realm and Martin made it realistic. So I've been wondering. Could none acknowledge his majestic creations?

And then came the revenge of the nerds!

Game of thrones became a show! Something that every nerd has been waiting for so long became mainstream! We were finally able to show how super cool we were because we knew Martin before he became famous. We were so damn cool.

tyrion hipster

But nerds are really good guys and mostly they are afraid of social interaction so they didn't react and they embraced the river of fantasy that HBO brought to us.

game of thrones outdoor

No just for this line I will spoil just one thing from the fourth season.

Joffrey dies! :D

joffrey dead

I'm so glad about it because let us not forget. Amongst so many other atrocities, you know who Joffrey kills with a crossbow?

Ros! Yes the one important whore called Ros. 

That made me sad. Anyway. Let's move on.

So the first episodes begins. I really had a good experience from HBO shows such as the band of brothers so I knew what I was expecting.

And yes it was awesome. I knew what was gonna happen but I didn't cared about it.

When Khal died so ridiculously I just knew it was gonna be a blast.

Tis but a flesh wound!

I really do believe it is going to become the greatest thing every in the fantasy realm.

Why? It's a soap opera with amazing story and fucking DRAGONS!

What every poor little nerd was waiting for!


What happens is unbelievable! Tyrion survives just because of his amazing wits to step in to schemes and take advantage of them.

You really cant expect anything from this show. Anyone can die in matter of seconds.

Well actually you can be certain of one thing.

Sean Bean dies.

So here I want to post my theory about game of thrones. It's not a spoiler because it hasn't been written yet. Eddard is the definition of lawful good. There was no way he would cheat on his wife. But Rhaegar loved Lyana Stark when he had her "kidnapped" and they had a child, so in order for Robert not to kill the childEddard said it was his child.

Jon FUCKING Snow is a Targaryen!

Targaryen always goes in threes. A triad. So except Khaleesi (SPOLER HERE) there is Aegon Targaryen also hiding in Westeros (END OF SPOILER)!  So the choice really is one. Khaleesi for life. KEEP IT REAL MUTHAFACKA 

So besides all these I'll bring out two more matters about Game of Thrones. The cast is really really good without being extreme. There is no bad actor.

Even Ygritte is good.
grumpy cat ygritte

 Everyone is great. And there is also a god. Tyrion.

Great actors and a great production. A production that makes you believe that fantasy is finally mainstream.I am particularly happy to live in the age where I will not be made fun of like in school for not playing football and reading comics.

george rr martin deal with it

To be honest, episode 9 of the third season became so viral all over the internet that you would listen everywhere about it. Which made me happy! It's probably because people love weddings.

blogger post signature the wizard has spoken

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