How to increase your Facebook page reach performance
We see lately that Facebook organic reach is plummeting.
There is one simple explanation for this. Facebook is getting smarter. Way smarter than we could predict at the beginning, thus penalizing some "not as much" great communication techniques used from time to time.
Now why is this happening? Well for me there are two reasons.
Firstly Facebook is growing exponentially. Why do we use Facebook? For a unique experience.
Normally a user wont be glad seeing product posts about toilet paper all the time. They want to see stuff relevant to them from people they care to follow. Facebook is a business. A business gaining money from their users. You do not want to make your client angry. Or else they will leave.
Therefore Facebook chooses to show you anything that would interest you. But that is not always the case right? I mean you are not always a multi-billion company trying to sell toilet paper on Facebook right? You may be a musician or a blogger trying to show people how amazing you are. Which is great and you should try that. But you wont be always interesting. And guess what. There are tons of stuff to see on Facebook and someone has to sort it out. That's the job of Facebook algorithm. Since Facebook is so huge then you will not be able to show out your work as easily on all your fans. Let's just say the world does not care about you. Especially if you are a brand.
Secondly, let's face it. Facebook is a business right? They say to you friend (Facebook page owner) that if you really want to sell your products or your music or whatever, you should probably pay something for it. Now at this point if there is any advertiser reading that, try and be honest. Facebook advertising right now is very cheap. You can reach out incredible amounts of people with a fraction of what you'd spend on TV. At the moment at least. Which is quite fair in my opinion. You are advertising don't you? What's the common tendency on advertising? To hate it. Now on Facebook you have a chance. There will be people that will see your message. But if you really did a good job you will be rewarded.
Engagement is the key.
If the people like your message they will interact with it. Simple as that. In the beginning of Facebook marketing we would do all kinds of shit to attract people to like our page (like likegating applications with contests) forcing people to like pages. Then of course you had another problem. People who come for contests rarely buy your products or engage with the page. They simply want to win something. So in that case you simply collect likes that will drop you page reach on 2%. I wouldn't even want to talk about engagement on that rate.
So what did the marketing geniuses did after that in order to get engagement? They did wall contests, asking people to share the contest image in order to create fake engagement. That didn't work either. As we said Facebook is getting smart.
What you need is balls.
Truly if you think you got the balls to provide something interesting everyday then go ahead. Facebook is survival of the fittest. You need to have a content mix. Do not for any reason just have one kind of posting. Just a link will not do the work. The mix should have links, photos and videos. Moreover there is one more thing. The type of posting is very important but you should also make sure to post something nice.
Which brings me to the reason I wrote this title. There is a way to increase your reach a lot. But have one thing in mind. Reach is not success. What you will do is bring the people in to the store. In order to buy they need to care. So be careful.
Anyway. How do you achieve amazing Facebook reach?
The Facebook video.
Facebook video is all about Facebook does right now. billions of videos are being watched each day. And Facebook is boosting video like hell at the moment. You can have an organic reach counting from 10% to 20%. Only a try can convince you about that. And trust me on that. I made my very own video too. I'm adding video in my very own mix too.
Now be careful. As I said. Keep the mix. Differentiate. Think like a user and try to create a shareable experience for people.
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