Facebook had to go and buy Oculus Rift for 2 billion
So Facebook announced it is buying the Oculus Rift for 2 billion dollars!
Personally it's not that I hate Facebook or anything.
I completely understand the need for a business to expand and find new ways to improve their profits and make their customers happy.
Truth is that the moment Sony announced their own virtual reality system people freaked out.
So as soon it got competitive Facebook had to go and buy the Oculus rift.
As a counterattack. I get the whole "I have a vision" thing but I just think it is an act of fear. Facebook got afraid that Sony might lead the game in virtual reality and since they don't have anything ready right now they went and bought the next big thing. Oculus rift.

I just think that Oculus was a bottom up suggestion to real hardcore players.
This why I am sad. I mean there were so many indie developers ready to support this magnificent experiment and suddenly it has to become corporate once again.
As gamers we need to support the small ones. Because they actually care and create something beautiful.
What I find out is that once more we might see a nice project been turn it to garbage for profit.
Another thing I see is that once again the digital creators become even more gigantic and huge.
Recently I wrote why I believe Google will become Skynet.
Let me take that back. Perhaps Facebook is on the race too now. Do not be afraid. Just ask for something with quality and just accept anything is being served to us.
This is how we lose quality.