Oh we
forgot about Sandor and Arya! Well as they wander around aimlessly they come
across an inn at the crossroads.
As every experienced D&D player knows
these are the places where the shit hits the fan and everything devolves into
violence. Either this or they probably meet a mysterious smelly old man who
informs them about an artifact, its cliche.

Unfortunately for them they meet
two of Gregor's men, Polliver, the Tickler and their squire. Sandor butchers
both of the men with some help from Arya, who stabs the Tickler repeatedly in
the back, but because he is a drunkard and his liver has reached an octane
rating of 900, he gets heavily injured.
Arya then retrieves her sword, the
Needle and skewers the squire through the heart.
They have a little Final
Fantasy victory dance and then they continue their journey. Unfortunately the
wounds of Sandor get infected and he collapses.
Arya decides to leave him to
die slowly and painfully because of what he has done, and continues the journey
on her own. Next part the conclusion.
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