I wasn't intending to talk about the next gen until it could actually be called "next gen"
I am referring of course to the promise, Sony and Microsoft gave to the people. Well, to the Nerds really. But I believe we are considered people too.
That there is an actual reason for those consoles coming out. The reason allegedly is that they are going to rock our damn world. Not only with graphics but also physics.
The reason I am writing those words are the teaser video Ubisoft released for the new Assassins' Creed: Unity. Which is about the French revolution too.
Have a look first please.
So let me just go on ahead and say that I am a huge Assassin's creed fan already.
So it is hard to be disappointed as it is easy.
OK one thing. They seem to give a try in to the story. Which is something. Because recently the new backstory was deeply bad. They also locate it in Paris which is also where Abstergo is. So it seems promising.
So how about the graphics?
They are terrific. Simply amazing. It really made me go crazy and melted my face away.
Which would amaze a 15 year old.
Last time I checked though, I think that Ubisoft is aiming at my age. Except my age by the way I also thought they were aiming at something else that defines me.
So honestly thank you Ubisoft for the amazing graphics.
But you need to know that you raised the bar way too high right now. Which means that the story needs to be amazing.
The gameplay needs to rock my god damn world.
Don't get me wrong. I believe that Assassins Creed: Black Flag raised the bar so high and optimised the gameplay so much that I couldn't be happier.
Just one thing. Please do not focus on the graphics.
Graphics are going to be ridiculously amazing anyway.
So just go ahead and invest on the important stuff. Gameplay and story.
So this is my confession.
I am afraid that the next gen will just be a beauty pageant.
Just the most beautiful graphics will win with no other criteria. I base that on two factors really.
The one is obviously the urge to sell video games really bad and the production cost that is way too high.
Which means that you may sacrifice quality to survive. Not in long term unfortunately.
The other one is that video games have become mainstream.
Us the hardcore few with really high expectations don't get what we ask for because we are few. Which is sad.
Gladly Ubisoft is trying hard. Which is why I actually support Ubisoft.
I even actually Buy their games.
So I guess it remains for us to find out what is going to happen. Until then let us pray to almighty Cthulhu that he will bring doom and destruction to the bad video game developers.