1. White Power ranger Megazord
2. Venom (I have most of Spiderman related characters in action figures)
3. One of the best games ever played. I actually completed it
4. Transformers (Prime and Megatron will come in another article)
5. Sega Controller
6. Kingpin's Lair
7. Another transformer
8. Action man car
9. White Power Ranger. (I now realize that sounds quite racist)
10. Bumblebee transformer
11. Road Rash II for Mega Drive
12. NBA Live 97 for Mega Drive!
13. Aladdin for Mega Drive
14. Sonic the hedgehog 2 for Mega Drive
15. It never played for Mega Drive. I just have a catridge to remember of it.
So I've had a lot of toys as I grew up in the '90s. Video games and toys.
I cannot possibly remember how many Action Man I had. Neither the Transformers. I also had most of the Megazords.
You know what makes me happy? I kept those toys. So now I can look back at them and remember my childhood. I have a living memory.
I only have just a small part of the toys I had as a child. I wouldn't say I was spoiled. Just love toys. I'll try and find more and more so you guys can see.
The sad part is that we threw away many of the ones I had. Some were pure diamonds.
Doesn't matter though.
I can still say I have my collection of my '90s childhood toys with me even though it may be incomplete.
Dont forget to have a look at this too!
Hope you like them even though some may be dusty!