Goat Simulator actually kinda rules!

So the goat Simulator came out on April 1st 2014.

goat simulator

sounds like a joke right? 

Well it truly isn't. It's a game created by Coffee stain studios.

coffee stain studio goat simulator

They are not so famous to be honest. They have created quite a few games. But this game changed the way we see this studio forever as it may seem. 

So I guess we should go on and review the game. 

First off. You get to play a goat. In an open world area. 

goat simulator

Well not very open to be completely honest. It's as big as a big square. You can literally do anything you like.

goat simulator

Everything around you are completely destructible.

Destructible to say the least to be honest. Even if you hit a sign it will blow off out of proportion. Like a Michael Bay movie. Keep that in mind for the game.

You also need to get hit by a truck. You will love it.

goat simulator

goat simulator

Now about the graphics. Those crazy people at Coffee Stain Studios used the Unreal Engine!

unreal engine

This makes the graphics as you may have imagined ridiculously good for a game that has you simulate a goat. The physics, even if they are a bit exaggerated are pretty damn good too. So you will really love the game graphics wise. 

goat simulator

But let us be honest. There are two reasons you are going to be playing this game. The first reason is that you are curious as fuck about what it is. The second one is that at the moment your curiosity will stop because you will already be playing the game is to see what you can do.

goat simulator

goat simulator

So let us move the the quest section. 

I would more likely be calling it achievement to be honest. There are 27. Really easy to deal with to be honest. Actually to be completely honest. If you just press random buttons for an hour you will be most likely have completed around 20 of them. Some require a bit more stuff to be done, but they are easy. 

goat simulator

goat simulator

What is funny about them is that they most likely have a reference in them or they are ridiculously funny. I would suggest to just go on ahead and try to do weird stuff. If you do something really weird you will probably complete an achievement. 

goat simulator

So how about me? It took me about 30 minutes to complete the game. I wasn't expecting much more to be honest. But I loved it. It's really fun to blow off some steam for like 5 or 10 minutes every day. It's kinda like Postal. You only play to destroy, not actually complete the game. 

postal 2 game

Having that in mind, I have one thing to say. I'm proud to be a PC owner since it's a PC exclusive. So you can suck it console lovers. I assume that now that the game is famous they might try it out for consoles. I guess we shall see. 

Anyway. Loved the game. You need to play it. You will have a lot of fun. But have it in mind. That is all. Lets be honest though. Could you possibly be expecting something more out of a game called Goat Simulator?


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